Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Reminder: WED., DEC. 1 and WED., DEC. 15: Two great travel adventures at Fishtrap

Dear Local Fishtrap Friends,

Just a quick newsletter reminder about several upcoming local events at Fishtrap.

Wednesday, December 1 at 7 pm
Fishtrap Coffin House, 400 E. Grant Street, Enterprise

This Wednesday, Joseph residents Clem and Jean Falbo will share their two-month journey to visit the great opera houses of Europe with an evening of highlights, history and photos.Travel along to Milan, Venice, Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Vienna and Paris as Jean reveals details they learned beyond the impressive architecture they enjoyed… such as the accidental death in Box 13 at the Paris Opera House which inspired “The Phantom of the Opera.” As Jean says, "Opera houses have stories to tell and history to reveal."

This photo-illustrated lecture is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served and donations are appreciated. Proceeds benefit Fishtrap and the Wallowa Valley Music Alliance.

Wednesday, December 15, 5:30 pm (note the earlier than usual start time)
Fishtrap Coffin House, 400 E. Grant Street, Enterprise

And while we're traveling... how about Italy?

Mark your calendars! Adele and Liza will be presenting a slide show and tell the stories of Terra Madre in Torino, Italy, where they were hosted recently as delegates from the U.S at an international gathering of "slow food" enthusiasts.

Terra Madre is a network of food producers, cooks, educators and students from 150 countries who are united by a common goal of global sustainability in food. The "food communities" of Terra Madre come together biennially to share innovative solutions and time-honored traditions for keeping small-scale agriculture and sustainable food production alive and well. This is a rare opportunity to learn about this wonderful event from the inside. Liza Jane and Adele were chosen based upon the traditions they uphold in ranching and the values they maintain in raising food. Adele also mentioned her aspirations to become a restaurant owner and chef.

There will be snacks and, of course, wine -- come early to have time to sample. Donations will be gratefully accepted to cover food and beverage costs, with any additional proceeds going to Fishtrap.

Please note that the presentation will start promptly at 5:30 and will end in time so that folks can make it to the Wallowa Resources sponsored event on hydropower opportunities at 7 pm down the street at Tomas Conference Room.

All the best from Fishtrap,

Barbara, Jon, Janis, Kathy, Heather and Rich!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Travel to China with Kathy Hunter, the Fishtrap Benefit Sale at Fire Works Pottery... and more local news

Dear Fishtrap Friends here in the windy valley,

Blow yourselves on over to the Fishtrap House this Wednesday evening to hear stories and see selected slides from Kathy Hunter's recent remarkable trip to China. And join us Saturday at Fire Works Pottery for their third annual Fishtrap benefit holiday sale. Details on these and other upcoming local events below.

Travel to China with a red-haired celebrity!
Kathy Hunter will share her tour of China's historic sites with the Nu-Wa Delegation, and their visit to tiny Gengcun, "The Village of Stories," where six hundred years of tales have accumulated in oral tradition. Wednesday, November 17 at 7:00 pm at the Fishtrap Coffin House. Free and open to the public.

Hear the story of the Dragon Lady, China's fabled Empress. Get mobbed in crowds of adoring Chinese. Learn the wrong way to say "thank you" to a shopkeeper. Meet Chinese food -- fancy and freaky. Find out about split pants on toddlers and the dreaded squat toilet. Here is China at its most memorable, through the eyes of Fishtrap's gifted (and funny!) storyteller.


Third Annual Fishtrap Benefit and Holiday Sale at Fire Works Pottery
Anne and Jim Shelly welcome one and all to their beautiful studio on Hurricane Creek Road. Enjoy this festive shopping opportunity. They are joined this year by Arrowhead Chocolates and the Reininger family, who will have delicious and delicate treats for sale as well. A percentage of all proceeds goes to Fishtrap.
When: Saturday, November 20, starting at 1 pm
Where: 62378 Hurricane Creek Road, 1-1/3 mile beyond the Hurricane Creek Grange
Why: Great gifts... and a chance to support Fishtrap's local community programs, which bring writing and writers to students in Wallowa County schools
What: They'll have a kiln load of new work. Crack pots and odd bowls (aka 2nds). Delicious Arrowhead chocolates, too.
What else: Stay and enjoy a fabulous Wallowa County potluck at 5:30. Then you can roll right down the hill to the Old Time Dance at Hurricane Creek Grange Hall. Or stay and visit with old and new friends.

Visit www.fireworksclayart.com for directions and to preview pottery. More info by calling Anne and Jim at 541-432-0445. Heartfelt thanks to the Shellys and Reiningers for this generous support of Fishtrap.


More news...

Winter Fishtrap 2011 registration is now open. Theme: "Getting Small." Information and registration forms are available at www.fishtrap.org, by calling Fishtrap at 541-426-3623 or writing to jon@fishtrap.org. (That's Wallowa County's very own Jon Rombach, who joined the Fishtrap staff this week as our new Program Coordinator. More to come in an upcoming newsletter on that good Fishtrap fortune!)

Tour the Opera Houses of Europe with Jean Falbo. Slide show and presentation Wednesday, December 1 at 7:00 pm at the Fishtrap Coffin House.

Fishtrap's Annual Good Book Sale: Saturday, December 4, starting at 8 am until the books are gone, at the Fishtrap Coffin House.

Fishtrap is located at 400 E. Grant Street, Enterprise, 541-426-3623
www.fishtrap.org for more info or to make an online donation. Your support keeps us strong!